April 2014 Budget Plans
Monthly Total
House Repairs
City Bill
Transportation – Gas
Car Repairs
Car Insurance
Clothes and Hair
The budget reflects the new monthly amount I owe for my mortgage. Because of this large increase, I have had to move quite a few numbers around this month. I also had to cut out planned savings and charitable giving :( I will still be putting money toward savings, but this month it will all just have to come from any "extra" I can find, which includes the income from my second job and my home business.
You'll see that the debt category also went down. I paid off my first debt since starting my journey and I kept part of the money from that payment in the debt category, to use toward a bigger payment on next smallest debt, but I also moved some of it up into other categories, mainly to off-set some of the increase in my monthly mortgage payment. A few of the my credit card minimum payments have gone down as well.
Some of the spending categories are very tight this month. April is also the month of my birthday, so I'm hoping for some additional spending money coming in from that. I am taking the weekend of my birthday off from my second job and I plan to spend that weekend relaxing frugally: taking a bubble bath, painting my toenails for sandal weather, and hanging with my family and my pets! I am really excited!
While April looks pretty tight, as of now, May is looking considerably better. I know a lot of things can happen between now and May, but I still like to start making my projections a couple months out. Knowing that I'm making progress helps keep me on track!
As always, holler if you have any questions about my budget :)
Note: I finally heard back from my accountant, it looks like I will be paying $130 into the state and I will receive a refund from the federal of $734. More details on this money will be coming soon!
Another Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!
Boo to your mortgage going up, but getting a refund from Federal is good news! Your birthday plans sound like fun to me, but I like low-key celebrations. I'm glad May is looking better; sometimes we just have to get through tight months to look forward to the next one. I have a feeling April will be a little crazy for me!
Congratulations on your progress! What order do you pay your debt in? Do you use snowball or avalanche? Just looking at your sliders on the right, if you pay in the order shown, then am I correct to assume that CC#3 will be paid off in April with the remainder of the $675.71 debt payment going to CC#4? Which would mean most of CC#4 would be paid off too? Oh $hit, you've got minimum payments on all the other cards too, of course. What do your minimum payments total? So to be so nosy, I guess I get excited about others repayment plans and not just my own! LOL
Oh, I forgot to mention something ... you know already how I love your sliders. I'm still interested to know how you did them but good news is that I saw on another site you follow something that someone else did that is similar. It doesn't have the %'s though. So I've implemented on my site last night. Come check it out! All things geeky make me excited.
Yes! Knowing April is a tight month is a good start. At least I'm not going in blind :)
I will write a post on my debt payoff methods next week then. :) thanks for the suggestion. PS - As mentioned in another post, I already paid off CC#3 in March, I just haven't updated the bar to show this yet as I won't get the statement showing a zero balance until sometime in early April.
I will have to check yours out. I did respond to your comment on "Thing Thursday 3/27" about how I added mine. If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to email me. :)
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