Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekend Visitors

Weekend VisitorsThis last weekend, my BFF and her hubby came to visit me for the weekend. I am happy to say that it was a fun-filled but still fairly frugal weekend. They got in late enough Friday that we just talked and drank some wine I had on hand already.

Saturday morning we went out to (GASP!) the local donut shop. It was delicious and a real treat, as I don't eat "junk food" much anymore. Luckily, donuts are also pretty cheap. My breakfast cost less than $4 and I paid for it in cash.

We spent the rest of the morning at the local craft fair. Lunch was at a local "fast casual" restaurant, where we met her cousin. It cost me about $10 and I paid in cash.

Saturday afternoon we did a little shopping. My part-time weekend job is at a local western wear store and both my BFF and her hubby were wanting to visit the store.

After that, she and I popped into our favorite clothing store. They were having a BOGO 1/2 off sale, which is a huge temptation for me. Thankfully I had left my store credit card at home in my "hiding" spot with all my other credit cards. Full disclosure: I did use my debit card to buy one pair of capris to wear to work. My previous pair was looking very worn and they are too big. The new ones I bought are a size smaller. My friend and I checked out together to take advantage of the sale, saving us each about $10. When I got home, I immediately practiced the 1 in 1 out rule, getting rid of my old pair of capris.

The evening meal comprised of homemade Chinese food at my house and then we played games with my brother and parents.

Sunday morning I made us all breakfast and then they got ready to go back home. I spent the rest of the day doing household chores.

Total Cost of the Weekend: $51.48, considerably less than when I go visit them!

Food./Eating Out: $14.40
Donation at the Craft Fair: $5.00
Capris: $32.08

I consider this to be a success. Some may think it's still a splurge, which it is, but it's still a WAY scaled-down version of the expensive weekends I used to have. Back then not only were the weekends more expensive, but they were also more frequent. Baby steps people! :)

How was your weekend? Was it frugal? How do you cheapen up your fun?

Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!


At March 25, 2014 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Amanda S said...

Good for you for having a great and enjoyable weekend and not having to spend a lot of money. It's always the small things that matter.

At March 25, 2014 at 9:33 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Thanks Amanda! I'm really proud of how the weekend went. It's still probably a splurge by a lot of PF blogger's standards, but its still way better than I would've done in my previous lifestyle :)

At March 25, 2014 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous E.M. said...

I really like that you got rid of the old capri's after you purchased the new ones. I haven't gotten clothes in a while but that's a great idea. I have too many! Sounds like you had a very fun and frugal weekend. Eating at home for dinner helps; at least breakfast and lunch out tend to be cheaper.

At March 25, 2014 at 10:21 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Thanks E.M.! Lunch and breakfast together cost me only $14.40! I didn't include the cost of the groceries in the weekend's total because I would've had to buy groceries regardless of wether or not I had guests. Plus, the recipes we used for supper didn't require too many things I didn't already have. If I had to estimate, I probably spents $5-6 to find the ingredients I didn't already have on hand.

At March 25, 2014 at 10:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Good for you for cooking for your guests! It's frugal and adds a nice touch. I think hospitality is becoming a lost art these days. Plus eating at home is more comfortable....especially for those lazy Sunday morning breakfasts! Have you checked out www.5dollardinners.com? Love her site. Hubby and I had a date night Sat and we clocked in at $75 for an evening of dinner, Bissinger's chocolate/coffee for dessert, and dancing. Pretty frugal date night I'd say and very much needed. Great post as usual!

At March 25, 2014 at 10:44 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

I haven't heard of 5dollardinners.com. I will have to check that out! Thanks for the tip :)


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