Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I'm Open to Suggestions

Open to Suggestions|RantReader Beware: This Could be Seen as a Rant

I had another post all ready to go for today, but in light of recent events, I've postponed it for later.

By starting this blog and being transparent about my income, budget, and expenses I've really opened myself up for suggestions and constructive criticism. I have found all comments thus far to be thoughtful, helpful, and encouraging. You all have made some suggestions and when you do I've considered them. I know I'm not perfect and I have a long way to go in getting my life on track. I haven't been at this debt repayment journey very long and I welcome suggestions from those of you who are living or have lived this journey already and lots of experience to share.

This does not mean I'm up for rude, mean, and just plain nasty comments. It is possible to question and even disagree with my decisions, but you can do it in a nice or at least cordial way. I review each comment before I allow them to be posted for public viewing and until yesterday, I've never rejected a comment.

It's your right to disagree with me and it's my right not to publish your rude comments, because after all this is a (mostly) PF blog. PF being PERSONAL Finance. My decisions and my finances are my business in the end. I will keep sharing with you and being transparent. I will (eventually) get out of debt. I'm not here to whine about my situation, I'm here to change it. My writing here is two-fold, for my motivation and hopefully yours. I hope any mistakes I make will help you to not make the same ones. I will also continue to seek your guidance and suggestions, as long as they are submitted tastefully.

Thank you to those who are respectful and encouraging! Keep it up :)

End Rant.


At March 18, 2014 at 12:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May we continue to be respectful and encouraging! And thank you for being an inspiration to us.

At March 18, 2014 at 1:56 PM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Anonymous, I don't know who you are, but thank you :) I appreciate you taking the time to read my rant! I hope you have a great day!

At March 21, 2014 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commented about your post about your ripped top and it came up as anonymous too. I'm trying here again. If it shows as anonymous I'm not sure why only that I'm a new wordpress blogger. My first comment on Mar 21 seemed to work.

So far I have not received any negative comments but I just started this month. LOL I've read that this happens however. You blog... ignore the haters and publish what you want is what I say!

Debt Debs

At March 21, 2014 at 11:20 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Debt Debs,

It looks like your comment showed up with your name, not anonymous. I'm glad you haven't received any negative comments yet. I always get so excited when I get comments, but then when I saw what it said it was a real let down. I've decided since then that sine 99% of my comments are positive, I shouldn't let that 1 negative comment get me down. Cheers!


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