Monday, March 31, 2014

Who Are Your Joneses?

Keeping Up with the JonesDo you ever get sick of the phrase "keeping up with the Joneses"? I know I do! But, it's the easiest way to describe the feeling that people, especially Americans, have to "keep up appearances" by purchasing things they don't want or need, and usually can't afford just to impress the people around them.

For some, the Joneses are their neighbors or co-workers. Others' Joneses may be their family, like siblings, or cousins. For me there's more than one Jones that I've found myself trying to out-do over the years. Currently, my worst Joneses are actually my BFF and her hubby. I finally figured it out over the weekend when they came to visit.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love my BFF and her hubby and I don't think they intentionally try to out-do me. I'm sure they probably have Joneses of their own, but I doubt that I'm one of them. When they showed up at my house this past Friday night, my BFF mentioned that she needed the Internet code to look up a recipe we were needing:

Her: "I need the Internet code so I can find the recipe." Pulls out a tablet-like device.
Me: "Your Kindle Fire didn't save the code from the last time you were on my network?"
Her: "This is my Ipad, I haven't used it here. We just got them last week."
Me: "Oh you both got one? Cool!"
Her: "Yeah, Hubby's is for his birthday. I just got one because I wanted one."
Me: "I see." In my head I add, "must be nice, I don't even have a Kindle Fire".

Then I proceed to spend the next few minutes alternating between feeling guilty for thinking that way since it's my own fault I'm in debt and can't afford gadgets like these, and envious of their cool new toys.

They also got a new to them used car just about a year ago, which instilled more of the same feelings then too, but that's a whole 'nother story.

When trying to defeat the need to "Keep up with the Joneses", knowing who your Joneses are can go a long way.

It really helps in my case that my BFF and her hubby don't intend to make me feel that way. After all, they don't know about my debt situation, so it's not like they are intentionally rubbing all their new stuff in my face while knowing I can't afford similar things.

The next step to defeat the need to "keep up" is to feel genuinely happy for some one's success instead of jealousy for their possessions. Of course, this is easier said than done. I don't have this skill mastered yet, but I'm working on it.

You don't know their story. They may have worked very hard and saved up for the new Ipads and car, which is great! But it's possible they didn't save and instead they financed the whole thing. There's no real way to know, so try not to feel envious of something that may have set them farther back on the debt path.

The third tip to defeating the Joneses is to curb your wants. When you get a case of the "I wants" it can be really hard to deal with and it's usually easier to give in to yourself and buy whatever it is. But soon the feeling of excitement from the new possession will wear off, leaving you with more debt and farther away from your end goals.

I have a list of wants. Whenever I want something, I write it down. I may or may not purchase it in the end, but I start by listing each item and the pros and cons of buying it. I make myself think the purchase over very carefully before deciding. Even then, it will likely be several months before much of anything is purchased off of this list.

My current list includes a Kindle Fire, a new computer, a some-what expensive hair product I like, and some new workout equipment. Will I end up purchasing everything on the list? Maybe, maybe not, but having the list to refer to when I have some extra income will be handy to keep me on track and away from frivolous, silly purchases I may regret later.

Who are your "Joneses" and how do you deal with the need to "keep up" with them?

Note: This post includes affiliate links from the Amazon Associates program. If you buy anything from Amazon by clicking one of my links, even if what you buy is not the linked item, I will earn a small commission.

Another Note: Did you see my mention over at The Pursuit of Riches? Here is the the post in case you missed it. :)

Another-nother note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Friday, March 28, 2014

April 2014 Budget Plans

April 2014 BudgetHere is my planned budget for April:

Monthly Total
House Repairs
City Bill
Transportation – Gas
Car Repairs
Car Insurance
Clothes and Hair

The budget reflects the new monthly amount I owe for my mortgage. Because of this large increase, I have had to move quite a few numbers around this month. I also had to cut out planned savings and charitable giving :( I will still be putting money toward savings, but this month it will all just have to come from any "extra" I can find, which includes the income from my second job and my home business.

You'll see that the debt category also went down. I paid off my first debt since starting my journey and I kept part of the money from that payment in the debt category, to use toward a bigger payment on next smallest debt, but I also moved some of it up into other categories, mainly to off-set some of the increase in my monthly mortgage payment. A few of the my credit card minimum payments have gone down as well.

Some of the spending categories are very tight this month. April is also the month of my birthday, so I'm hoping for some additional spending money coming in from that. I am taking the weekend of my birthday off from my second job and I plan to spend that weekend relaxing frugally: taking a bubble bath, painting my toenails for sandal weather, and hanging with my family and my pets! I am really excited!

While April looks pretty tight, as of now, May is looking considerably better. I know a lot of things can happen between now and May, but I still like to start making my projections a couple months out. Knowing that I'm making progress helps keep me on track!

As always, holler if you have any questions about my budget :)

Note: I finally heard back from my accountant, it looks like I will be paying $130 into the state and I will receive a refund from the federal of $734. More details on this money will be coming soon!

Another Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thing Thursday 3/27/2014

Thing Thursday 8It's Thing Thursday!

This week's thing is an animal print headband. I bought it back in my early high school days. I have no idea why. I never wore headbands and this one was no exception. I've had it for close to 10 years now. It is still in perfect condition. I am putting it in the garage sale pile. If it doesn't sell, I'll donate it. This is gone!

Note: Because, I will be analyzing my March numbers over the weekend and posting results on Monday or Tuesday, there will be no weekly budget check tomorrow. Instead, I will be posting April's budget plans tomorrow :)

Another note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why I Love Being Single

Why I Love Being SingleFrom the time I was in daycare, around age 4, I've always had a "boyfriend". Of course, the definition of boyfriend changed over the years :)

I was always kind of boy-crazy growing up. Not having a boyfriend in high school was a rarity for me. I even got married at age 19! We had been together for nearly two years at that point.

Without going into details, my marriage was a total sham. We were married in June and by December I had filed for divorce. It was finalized in February. So in less than a year I had gone from engaged to married to divorced. Talk about a whirlwind!

When my ex moved out of our apartment, I found myself in a new situation. I had never lived by myself before. I was scared out of my mind and I was constantly lonely!

I went through a lot of emotional ups and downs that year and my finances are reflective of this. My debt really began during this time period when I began comforting myself with clothes and shoes. I had always loved fashion, clothes and shoes before, but now they were my sold "friends", or so I thought.

Fast forward about 4 years and here I am now. I am still single and living by myself but some things have changed. I'm no longer meek or scared. I'm stronger and I know myself better now than I ever did before. Some days I feel like the person I was before my divorce and my current post-divorce self would have nothing to talk about if we sat in a room together.

Before, I was afraid of going everywhere and doing everything by myself, but now that is something I treasure. I can make my own decisions without having to consult or consider anyone. If I want to eat ice cream for supper, I can! I really enjoy my independence :)

At this point in my life, I don't ever see myself getting married again or having kids. The frustrating thing about this realization is people's reactions when they hear this. They say, "You're still young. You'll change your mind someday." Or, "You just haven't met the right guy." My mom is the absolute worst about this.

Guess what people? I know myself and I know I don't want to get married or have kids. OK?!?!

Now, I don't think there's anything wrong with getting married or having kids. Some of my best friends are married and are having kids in the near future. I love my friends and I'm sure I'll love their kids, but it's just not for me.

This post was partially inspired by two posts by Melanie over at Dear Debt. Her two posts can be found here and here. My favorite part of her posts,
"’s expected that women want children. No one has ever congratulated me and said, “You are making such a great financial decision. Good for you for not bringing a child into this crazy world!""
Wouldn't it be great if people could just accept that everyone is different and what "most women" want is what every woman wants.

Some may think I'm selfish for enjoying the fact that I have no one to answer to and no one to consider in my decisions, including financial decisions, except myself, and truth be told, I guess that is selfish. But that's why I love being single and I'm not looking to change it!

Note: Did you see that Girl Meets Debt mentioned me again today?! I'm part of the Women's Power Wednesday post today!

Another note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekend Visitors

Weekend VisitorsThis last weekend, my BFF and her hubby came to visit me for the weekend. I am happy to say that it was a fun-filled but still fairly frugal weekend. They got in late enough Friday that we just talked and drank some wine I had on hand already.

Saturday morning we went out to (GASP!) the local donut shop. It was delicious and a real treat, as I don't eat "junk food" much anymore. Luckily, donuts are also pretty cheap. My breakfast cost less than $4 and I paid for it in cash.

We spent the rest of the morning at the local craft fair. Lunch was at a local "fast casual" restaurant, where we met her cousin. It cost me about $10 and I paid in cash.

Saturday afternoon we did a little shopping. My part-time weekend job is at a local western wear store and both my BFF and her hubby were wanting to visit the store.

After that, she and I popped into our favorite clothing store. They were having a BOGO 1/2 off sale, which is a huge temptation for me. Thankfully I had left my store credit card at home in my "hiding" spot with all my other credit cards. Full disclosure: I did use my debit card to buy one pair of capris to wear to work. My previous pair was looking very worn and they are too big. The new ones I bought are a size smaller. My friend and I checked out together to take advantage of the sale, saving us each about $10. When I got home, I immediately practiced the 1 in 1 out rule, getting rid of my old pair of capris.

The evening meal comprised of homemade Chinese food at my house and then we played games with my brother and parents.

Sunday morning I made us all breakfast and then they got ready to go back home. I spent the rest of the day doing household chores.

Total Cost of the Weekend: $51.48, considerably less than when I go visit them!

Food./Eating Out: $14.40
Donation at the Craft Fair: $5.00
Capris: $32.08

I consider this to be a success. Some may think it's still a splurge, which it is, but it's still a WAY scaled-down version of the expensive weekends I used to have. Back then not only were the weekends more expensive, but they were also more frequent. Baby steps people! :)

How was your weekend? Was it frugal? How do you cheapen up your fun?

Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Monday, March 24, 2014

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

When You Grow UpWhat you want to be when you grow up is a question commonly asked during your early childhood years, but as you get older people stop asking it.

In high school they instead ask where you're going to college. Then in college they ask what you're majoring in. Nearing college graduation, they ask what jobs you found,  interviewed for and were offered. It's true that it can be hard to find a job in your field with decent pay, let alone your dream job or something you are passionate about.

But, why should you stop considering what you want to be after early childhood? Children's dreams of the future, while sometimes unrealistic, are amazing! When do we lose the ability to dream big dreams? How much more of an impact could we make on the world if we held on to the big dreams of what we want to be?

It is assumed that we have life figured out after college. After all we, well most of us :), are adults by that point, so we are now "grown up".

I'd like to challenge that. I've been out of college for nearly 2 years now, and while I am an adult running my own household and paying my own bills, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

As I mentioned last week, I know I don't want to be in my current job forever because it is not something I'm passionate about. But, for now I will be keeping my job and I will try to be the best I can be.

Lyle at The Joy of Simple wrote a post, 10 Ways to Make Your 9 to 5 Work Day A Little Better Until You Find Your Way, where he makes several recommendations, including one that you "Start a “leave your job” fund". I think this is great idea. With my current budget being so tight, I can't afford to start another savings goal right now, at least not until my EF is fully-funded at $1,000. But his idea is the gist of what I want to do. Plus, finding my passion in life is the main reason why I am working to get out of debt.

I no longer want to find myself "Working for the Weekends". I know I'd rather be "Living to Work" and loving my job rather than "Working to Live".

Do you know what you want to be when you "grow up"? Have you already achieved it?

Are you working for the weekends? Do you live to work or work to live?

Note: Did you see my guest post over at Girl Meets Debt on Friday? I was also mentioned the same day by Hayley at Disease Called Debt in her weekly blog round-up. Thanks ladies! :) The two actions combined made for a lot of blog traffic on Friday and over the weekend. I'm not sure I was fully prepared for how big of an increase there would be. It was great!

Another Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Budget Check 3/21/2014

Budget Check 9Here's my third budget update for March. Soon it'll be April and I'm hoping we can get some of those "April showers". It's so dry around here these days. We've had lots of days where the interstate and highways are closed due to blowing dust. :( The good news is, winter seems to be over! *knocks on wood*

March (w/leftovers)
House Repairs
City Bill
Car Fuel
Car Repairs
Car Insurance
Clothes and Hair

So far this month I have increased EF savings only a little more than the budgeted amount. I am so close to hitting the next hundred dollar mark but I'm not sure if I can put any more in my account this month. If not, this will be the lowest amount I've saved so far this year. :(

You'll also see that under the Debt category I spent the budgeted amount and then some. I put a few extra dollars toward debt this month as my calculations for how much would be left to pay off my first debt was a little off. But I did it! I eliminated the first debt in my journey and I hope this feeling of accomplishment can help carry me over until I pay off the next one!

My BFF and her hubby will be here tonight. I'm really excited to see them and I'm hoping we can find some fun and free, or at least very frugal, things to do. I will update you all early next week on the outcome. Luckily, their trips out to see me are usually MUCH cheaper than my trips to see them. The reason is because I live in a very small town and there's not that many choices for entertainment.

I don't think there's any surprising changes in my budget standings from last week. If you have questions, let me know :)

Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!