Monday, April 21, 2014

I Went Shopping!

Shopping|Shop My ClosetAs the title suggests, I went shopping and I'm not done yet...

GASP! Shopping is totally against both my debt and de-clutter goals! But not to worry, I only went shopping in my own closet, you know the one that's already full-to-overflowing with clothes, shoes, and accessories.

I've been reading a couple style blogs lately, like Fast Frugal Fashion and newly discovered Putting Me Together. They've inspired me to "shop my closet" and to work on creating a more re-mixable wardrobe so my pieces are more functional. While I love the majority of what I have in my wardrobe, I mostly wear the pieces the same way every time I wear them. I don't really mix things up very often. I've even contemplated starting a fashion blog in addition to this one.

For now, I've decided to wait on the style blog, but I still think it's something I may do at some point. :) What I have done is join an awesome site: Go Chic or Go Home.

This site is basically an electronic closet, which I am loving! You can upload pictures of your clothes, shoes, accessories and even you wearing your outfits so you can easily see all your clothes and their options for mixing and matching.

After you get all your individual clothing pieces uploaded, (I'm skipping my athletic wear, pajamas, undergarments, and the super casual stuff like screen printed T's from my college days.) you can create "ensembles" but putting the photos together to create an outfit.

I have a board for pieces of clothing that are "loners" you know the ones you can never seem to match with anything else. A board for pieces I am considering getting rid of and a couple of boards dedicated to clothes and outfits posted by others that I like. You can even create a board that serves as wish list for some pieces you want. I've seen some users use a board to create lists for packing for trips!

GCOGH also allows you to see what is in other user's "closets". So by joining and finding me on there (I'm on there as Shoeaholic Nomore) you can see what all is in my closet (after I get done photographing and uploading everything that is).

The best part is that for being active on the site, uploading photos, logging in, creating ensembles, making new boards, etc, you get points that you can then use for gift cards for any retailer that sponsors the site! How cool is that! Sure, I'll take free money for shopping just for working on organizing my closet and thus my life :) I can also earn points by inviting new members to join. If you'd be interested in joining, comment with your email address below, or email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com and I will send you an invite!

Audrey from Putting Me Together says that by using GCOGH, she actually finds herself wanting to shop less because she's learning to re-mix her wardrobe! What a fun and frugal idea :)

Disclosure: This post is in no way sponsored by GCOGH, but  again I do receive points by inviting others to join. If you'd be interested in joining GCOGH, comment below with your email address and I'll send you an invite! This post is based solely on my opinion of the site thus far.

Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!


At April 21, 2014 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shoe!,

This sounds like an awesome idea! Makes me wanna go into my closet right now and start mixing and matching!


At April 21, 2014 at 10:43 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...


It is an awesome site! It has really helped me look at my clothes differently, and I don't even have them all posted on there yet! :)

At April 21, 2014 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Debt Busting Chick said...

This is brilliant! It's so easy to forget what gems you have in your wardrobe. Sometimes I'm shocked at the outfits I pull together from it.

At April 21, 2014 at 4:20 PM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Thanks Debt Busting Chick! You should def think about joining the site and I'd love to send you an invite, but I don't know your email addy. :(

At April 21, 2014 at 8:56 PM , Anonymous KK@ Student Debt Survivor said...

Oh fun, I'm going to have to check this out. I have a bunch of pieces I always forget (or don't know how) to wear. I love the idea of having photos of everything so you an visualize without having to try everything on every time.

At April 22, 2014 at 8:07 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

KK - I will send you an invite!

At April 22, 2014 at 2:54 PM , Anonymous Val said...

Hey there! What a great concept!!! Thanks for mentioning my blog in this post, I really appreciate it! Happy mixing and matching, Val at :-)

At April 22, 2014 at 3:22 PM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Absolutely! You should look into GCOGH. It's awesome :)


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