Friday, May 2, 2014

April 2014 Results

April 2014 ResultsThis year is really going quickly. I can't believe it almost summer! Here are my April results:

2014 Goals:
  1. Increase EF savings account to $1,000 - PASSish - I increased savings by about $50, which is good considering I didn't budget for putting any money in for April.
  2. Demolish $7,500 worth of debt - PASS - This is my revised goal and with the shortage in the first months of 2014, I have to pay $653.87 each month for the rest of 2014 to hit $7,500 paid off. I made it and paid an extra $3.98!!
  3. NO OVERDRAFT FEES! - PASS - I didn't have any.
  4. Clear out clutter. - PASS - I am still fighing with my shopping monster, but overall I'm doing pretty good.
  5. Continue going to Crossfit (affiliate link) 3x/week - PASS - I made good use of my membership this month.
  6. Paleo (affiliate link) 80/20 and eat down my non-Paleo food stores without replacement - I think I'm going to ignore this goal for now for time and food budget's sake.
  7. Loose weight and continue to tone-up - Again, I don't think I'm going to focus on this goal right now. I am going to continue going to workout because it makes me feel good and I am getting stronger, but I'm just not dedicated to this goal right now.
  8. Continue to NOT chew my fingernails - PASS - I'm cured, so no more reports on this goal until the end of the year, unless something changes along the way.
  9. More books, shoes and clothes out of my horde than new ones coming in. - PASSish - Still a net reduction of 13 books for the year, and I got rid of a shirt that was ruined :( but I did buy a pair of shoes, so I guess that's 1 in 1 out? Kinda?
  10. Read 52 books in 2014, that averages to 1/week - FAIL - I'm falling behind a bit at the moment. I may end up changing this goal, but I'm just not sure yet.
  11. Find areas to scale back involvement so I have more free time at home - FAIL - I have nothing to say about this.
  12. Spend more time with family, friends and my pets! - FAIL - See #11 above.
Debt Totals:

3/31/2014 - $136,141.42 (including mortgage)
$17,999.87 (w/o mortgage)

4/30/2014 - $135,637.37 (including mortgage)
$17,704.19 (w/o mortgage)

Difference - -$657.85 including mortgage
-$295.68 w/o mortgage


3/31/2014 - $600.72
4/30/2014 - $651.83
Difference - $51.11 increase


April (w/leftovers)
House Repairs
City Bill
Car Fuel
Car Repairs
Car Insurance
Clothes and Hair

Note: If you are interested in guest-posting at Shoeaholicnomore, email me at shoeaholicnomore[at]gmail[dot]com!

I'm linking up at Financially Savvy Satuday's!
A Disease Called Debt


At May 2, 2014 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous Debt Busting Chick said...

Well done for getting closer to a full emergency fund. Well done for even having one. I seriously need to get my act together. I still don't have one.

At May 2, 2014 at 3:08 PM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Debt Busting Chick - Don't beat yourself up over it, just start putting a little here and there toward it as you can. I usually budget for $20 going toward it each month and then I try to put more in as I can (from extra income from my 2nd job and any other side hustles I can find). You'll get there! For me it was important to have a little saved up for emergencies that will certainly arise over the course of my debt-payoff journey.

At May 3, 2014 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Mel @ brokeGIRLrich said...

Way to quit biting your nails. I can never seem to give it up. They're always right there and they're in my mouth before I even realize what's happening. I'm pretty convinced it's a big part of why I catch everything that goes around.

At May 3, 2014 at 12:39 PM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Thanks Mel! I've bitten them since I was little, bit one day I just stopped. No idea how or why, it just happened.

At May 3, 2014 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Femme Frugality said...

I love how you reassessed some of those goals and put them on the backburner. I think sometimes our lists can get so long, and it's so much better to focus our energy on the pressing ones and be more productive with those than spread ourselves too thin. Smart!

At May 4, 2014 at 6:10 AM , Blogger debt debs said...

Well done! Keep fighting your shopping monster. Maybe he will disappear like your nail biting.

At May 4, 2014 at 8:38 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Femme frugality- yes I tend to get too many things going on at once, resulting in all of them being mediocre attempts rather than making awesome progress!

At May 4, 2014 at 8:39 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Thanks Debs! Working on it :)

At May 4, 2014 at 11:23 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Reading 52 books in a year is a big goal. I spend so much time reading blogs, I'm lucky if I get one book a month read.

At May 4, 2014 at 1:13 PM , Blogger Mommie Tommie said...

I have been out of the loop for far to long...Look at you go girl!! I am so proud of you and how your meeting your goals head on...not to mention your site looks amazing!

At May 6, 2014 at 8:28 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

I find that I'm not getting as many books read now that I'm reading so many blogs. :)

At May 6, 2014 at 8:28 AM , Blogger shoeaholicnomore said...

Tommie!! I have missed seeing you around. Is your site up and going again?


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